A BLOG ABOUT CIDER? Get a life son!
Cider. How different life would have been without it. It has drained me bank account, it has made me fall down and hurt me self, it has made me loose control of my bodily functions (only temporarily fortunately) and may well have damaged my career, but it has brought me many many happy times (I just wish I could remember them all!) and I love it.
I remember my first taste, sat in a playground near my house, like it was yesterday, not 30 years ago. It was Strongbow. It got me drunk and tasted nice, unlike that beer and lager nonsense. Since then I have sampled many varieties and this blog will be an attempt to chronicle some of the many ciders on the market that i sample in the future. I am not sure how many different ways there are to describe an alcoholic drink made from fermented apples, but I am sure it will flex my pickled brain trying.
What has inspired this? Well, this blog is partly inspired by the collection of different ciders that found their way into my Christmas stocking and partly by ‘CAMRA’s Good Cider Guide’, bought for me by Nipper McStump, a comrade that has shared many cider experiences with me over the years.
Sad? maybe, but as my real ale officianado mate Ashes would say "better then sitting in the house with a pencil in your eye"
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